Matthew Oldford
Born in 1980 in Canada, Matthew Oldford is a successful entrepreneur, real estate investor, and developer and the founder/owner of Matty Renos, a residential renovation construction company known for its seamless design-build process, attention to detail, and quality products. He is also accredited as a Chief Financial Planner (CFP).
At 22, after attending Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC), he began his journey into the world of construction by working for a local builder for two years. With no experience, he was a quick study and learned all about building systems and construction methodologies used in residential and commercial construction.
He took his construction experience and worked for a coastal roofing quoting agent for five years, where he was fast-tracked to a managerial position for the company owner. During his time with the company, he quoted commercial and residential roofs for small and large projects ranging in price from $20,000 to $250,000.
In 2007, he decided to resume his studies, returning to NSCC to earn his investment management accreditation. This program includes CCF, Canadian Securities Course (CSC), Life License Qualification Program (LLQP), CPH, and GIE. Mr. Oldford then Decided to take a different path and Started working for Scotiabank as a Financial planner for five years and then went out to become a Mobile Mortgage specialist used his knowledge in the residential mortgage market until 2017, decided to return to the construction industry, where he worked for the Laborer’s International Union of North America (LIUNA) as a foreman on several jobs for about a year. He helped manage 10 to 15 employees while at LIUNA.


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